Ramp Accessibility to an exterior door can be a major obstacle to entering your home or business. Proper construction and knowing the slope requirements will separate a quality ramp from those who are guessing on how to build one. Railing design, ramp surface materials, and smooth starting transitions are just a few of the features Ellett Homes puts into a properly constructed ramp.
ShowerOne of the most important rooms that require special attention is the bathroom. If wheelchairs are required, designing a roll-in shower stall that not only functions properly for the individual but is constructed so that water damage will not exist makes for a worry-free design. Grab bars and durable slip resistant tile adds to the safety of the shower along with making sure the egress is barrier free.

The bathroom itself needs to have room for proper turning radius. The cabinet design should have the cut outs necessary to make access to the sink easy. We will listen to what is needed and design the room to the best possible fit for those needs.
Grab bars, positioned in the right places, can give a feeling of security whether getting out of a chair or just stabilizing yourself while standing in a shower. It is extremely important, however, to make sure they are secure and properly mounted, which may require additional construction design. Grab bars come in many different configurations and can be designed to meet almost any need imaginable. Not only are they functional but they are available in designer colors too.
Cabinet DesignsKitchen and bathroom cabinets can be designed to allow easy roll-under access, or to provide special work areas, allowing you to cook or help around the kitchen. As an extra touch, false door fronts can be adapted so that when the cabinet door is closed, no one would know that behind that door is an opening giving wheel chair access. The cabinet height needs to fit the needs of the individual, making things in reach, whether on top of the counter or in a bottom drawer.
Sometimes just adding 1 or 2 inches to the width of a door opening can make the difference in being blocked or allowing passage. Knowing the hardware available can occasionally be an easy fix. Other times, changing the door and increasing Doorway the opening might be required. The width of the hallway is a consideration, especially when wheelchairs are used. Ellett Homes will always consider what is best for the homeowner based on personal needs. We know how much room it takes to maneuver through out the home and what it takes to makes mobility comfortable.
Door HardwareDoor HardwareIf you have limited hand movement, the simple task of opening a door can be monumental. Choosing the right hardware or finding ways of adapting existing handles can make that once locked doorway an unlocked opening. Ellett Homes researches the available tools to fix things easily when possible.
The reachable heights while sitting in a wheelchair are often neglected by builders that are not familiar with special needs. Studies have been done that spell out the maximum height and lowest levels that are most easily reached while in a sitting position. Whether it is a shelf for shoes or closet pole location, the closet should be designed to meet each individual’s needs.
We LISTEN! If a new home is the best decision for creating the environment that fits you, we will have our architect custom design the floor plan that accommodates as many of your wishes as possible. Choose a design that eliminates difficult entrance ways, allows easy mobility throughout the home, and maybeFloor Plan adds special touches that lets you enjoy hobbies such as gardening or cooking. We will do everything possible to make your home free of barriers and to help keep your dream of staying active, without compromising interior design.
Ellett Homes has been building new homes for the past 8 years, with many satisfied clients. We build with quality in mind. We don’t cut the corners that other builders do to lessen the value to the end user. Whether building a home with accessibility in mind or building to accommodate the new family with several children, Ellett Homes will put quality and craftsmanship into every home. We will stand behind everything we do. Our goal is to create life long relationships which can only be done through honesty and integrity. Our reputation depends on it.
  • Accessible custom ramps
  • Grab bars
  • Widen doorways for wheelchairs
  • Bathroom remodels
  • Including curb free roll in showers
  • Specialty toilets
  • Tub seats and transfer boards
  • Kitchen remodels
  • Special cabinet designs incl. cutouts
  • Doorway hardware
  • Closet designs
  • Floor coverings
  • House plans for barrier free living
  • We LISTEN to your needs!ansfer boards
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